TOD best practical case :a mixed-mode open Court
Project overview:
Case nameLiuyun Xiaoqu (“Liuyun” was originated from the Sixth National Games held by Guangzhou in 1987.)
Case location:
Tianhe district, Guangzhou City, China, South of Tianhe Sports Center, North of the Zhujiang New town.
Total area
22.5 hectares, bounding by, Tiyu Xilu, Huangpu Avenue west, Tiyu Donglu and the Tianhenan Yilu
Completion time:
Land use context:
Residential and commercial
17618(data from Tianhe south street office)
Project initiator:
Tianhe District municipal government of Guangzhou
Project design institutions:
Guangzhou Tianhe Architectural Design Institute
Total Project investment:
230,000,000 RMB, (Asian Games-Renovation project cost include, street renovation, construction surface’s refurbishment,drainage system upgrade, etc.)
Project stakeholders:
Guangzhou City Investment Co., Ltd (Guangzhou municipal government)
Traffic location:
vehicle-free community, 5 minutes’ walk to Tiyu Xilu Station, Tianhe sports center BRT station, Tianhe Nan APM station and Huangpu Avenue APM station.

Context Map of Liuyun Xiaoqu (Liuyun Xiaoqu in this report refers to the block defined by Huangpu Dadao Xi, Tiyu Xilu, Tianhe Nanyilu and Tiyu Donglu, rather than the original block which only contains Liuyun Yijie, Liuyu Erjie, Liuyun Sanjie.) -原小区仅包括六运一街、六运二街、六运三街)
Liuyun Xiaoqu is located in the central area of Tianhe District, 300m away from the BRT corridor and served by 2 metro stations. Adjacent to major civic facilities and shopping centers, its fine-grained fabric contrasts with the monumental facilities and spaces of Tianhe, and it has become the unofficial center of the district's daily public life. The layout accommodates small, start-up commercial ventures on pleasant streets where the pedestrian and the bicycle dominate, and provides a model for combining community life and central area commercial activity. Notable for its open access – in contrast to similar gated areas – and fully pedestrianized interior, with ground floor shops providing a mix of uses, it should be replicated to revitalize the thousands of similar mid-rise housing areas across China.

Development process:
Sharp corners and divided roads keep the cars to a minimum in the local environment while allowing more space for trees and walking. The interiors of the blocks are tree-filled gardens open to the residents of that particular block. Nearly all ground floor units (formerly residential) have been converted to retail or café.

Safe Crossing on Tiyu Xiheng Road

Car Free Community with Lots of retail shops along the interior streets
Most streets inside Liuyun Xiaoqu are car-free, the others are shared streets with limited speed. Therefore all interior streets are safe for cycling. However, the 4 perimeter roads are major city roads without well-designed bike lanes, although the central road is shared street.

friendly cycle envirnment

Bike Parking along the Perimeter Roads
All blocks are open with access controlled at individual buildings during the day. Some block closed after 10 at night.

Pedestrian and bicycle (Blue) versus motor vehicle (Yellow) networks in Liuyun Xiaoqu
BRT station, Tiyu Xilu, is only 300m north to the development. Meanwhile, metro station Tiyu Xilu is at its northern border, and Tianhe Sports Center station is only 600m away.

500m Service Radius of Stations around Liuyun Xiao
There are two Guangzhou’s biggest shopping mall, Teemall and Grandview Plaza, immediately adjacent to Liuyun Xiaoqu. Planned as a single-use, residential block, it has evolved to become a vital area with ground-floor residential units converting to commercial premises. The open, exploratory path structure provides a useful scale difference with the enclosed shopping environment and controlled atmosphere of the malls. There is a primary school and some office buildings in the area. However, the property value has been greatly increased, making it not affordable. Its rate of increase is greater than that of the overall Tianhe District within which Liuyun Xiaoqu is located.

Ground-floor Land Use

Second-hand House Pricing Comparison(2011.12-2016.02)
Overall FAR is 2.6. Almost 300 dwelling units/ha.
It was built at the perimeter in 1987 supporting the 6th National Game held in Tianhe District. The game had stimulated the development of Tianhe District which have become one of the commercial and business center in Guangzhou.

Liuyun Xiaoqu(2015.10)
When Liuyun Xiaoqu first developed, parking was not demanded. The recent development on its perimeter provide underground parking space. The southern and northern border offer on-street parking.

Underground Parking Space

Car Sharing App Using in Liuyun Xiaoqu
For more information,Please contact ITDP-China。